This Association shall be called “The Old Foleyans’ Association”.
To foster loyalty and keep in touch with past members of the former Newmarket Grammar School and Staff and to afford opportunity for social intercourse.
Any past pupil of the School shall be eligible for membership and past staff by invitation of the Association.
The rate for annual membership shall be determined from time to time by the committee of management and approved by the Annual General meeting or Special General Meeting.
The officers shall be Chairman, Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary, elected annually.
The affairs of the Association shall be managed by its Officers together with a committee of up to nine members, at least six of whom must be past pupils of the School. Three members must be elected annually to serve a three-year period. The Committee shall have the power to add to their number when it is deemed advisable, and to form sub-committees as and when necessary. Any five shall form a quorum.
The election of Officers and Committee shall take place at the Annual General Meeting. Any vacancy arising before such a meeting may be filled by the Committee, the person appointed holding office only until the original holder’s term of office would have expired.
It shall be the duty of the Committee to effect such arrangements as may from time time appear desirable for promoting and carrying out the objects of the Association.
The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held in the Autumn, where possible, for the presentation of the annual accounts, for the transaction of any business of which a member has given 14 days clear notice, excepting proposed amendments to the Constitution and Rules which must be deposited with the Secretary in writing 56 days prior to the meeting and any other urgent business.
A Special General Meeting may be called upon a requisition, stating its objects, signed by at least 12 members and directed to the Secretary, such a meeting to be convened within two months of the receipt of the requisition.
No alteration may be made to the rules of the Association except at an Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting called for the purpose.
September 1999